Access to therapy is a major stumbling block for children with special needs, especially for children who have coordination issues. Some older children with special needs, or children unable to visit the village centres, receive no intervention at all.

To help these children access therapy and care, Satya Special School started providing therapy through Mobile Therapy Units (MTUs). 

Mobile Therapy Unit

The MTU, with specialized equipment and staffed by a physiotherapist, speech therapist, and special educator visit remote villages and provide services to children who are unable to visit any of our centres.

Many of the children are older, and have not received any therapy since birth. If a child served by the MTU shows enough improvement, they graduate to our centres: either our village rehabilitation centres or our urban centres.

Rural rehabilitation is a much-needed service and the MTU can easily be replicated in rural India.

Satya’s MTU received the 2018 World CP Day Award for medical intervention.



MTU received

World Cerebral Palsy Day Award



reached by each MTU



travelled by one Mobile Therapy Unit in a month

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