Satya’s skill training centre aims to give independent living skills to children and adults with special needs. Workshops and training on making products, training on white collar jobs, and employability skills are provided to the youth, depending on their ability and interest. 


Agri-based training

Agri-based training is the first choice for most of our youth, as they come from rural areas. This ensures that youth with disabilities are able to contribute to the local economy, and encourages inclusion within their communities.

Students were given a three-month residential workshop on agriculture at Sristi Foundation. This was a leap forward, as students lived independently, and engaged in fruitful economic activity, moving closer to self-reliance. Students were also training in the operation of solar dryers, and packing of the dehydrated produce.

Sheltered workshop

The sheltered workshop provides students with disabilities a pathway to financial independence, as well as working on their strengths. This is especially suited for youth with multiple disabilities and children with moderate to severe intellectual disability.

At the sheltered workshop, students are given training on various skills such as making jute bags, floor mats, wooden crafts, paper cups, and paper jewellery. There is also a bakery that is run by Satya’s youth.

Employability Skills

Students who have mild to moderate disability are encouraged to find open employment where possible. Toward this end, Satya provides integrated training on employability skills, including interpersonal communication, basic numeracy, hygiene, and etiquette, and constantly seeks partnerships to enable inclusive hiring practices.

Our partnerships with various industries, social enterprises, and other NGOs have made employment possible for many of our students. In some cases, the students have used their employability skills to work in a more efficient way.



Satya has had several successful partnerships with organizations, to encourage inclusion of youth with disabilities through employment. Several of our students have undergone courses in housekeeping and graphic designing at Swami Vivekananda Rural Community College. Satya also partnered with Youth4Jobs to provide employment opportunities to youth with disabilities.

If your organization would like to partner with Satya in livelihoods, please email




Average age of a student in the vocational centre


different skills

taught through Livelihoods initiatives



training in various Satya livelihood initiatives


Three Satya students employed in Pondy cafe

A Nest of Skills!

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